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Prague Half Marathon is sold out! The last remaining registrations can be purchased through charity partners

One of the most popular races in the world, the famous Prague Half Marathon, which takes place on April 1, is sold out. However, runners can still secure a spot in the race—and start down the road of completing the acclaimed SuperHalfs series, which includes half marathons in Valencia, Cardiff, Copenhagen and Lisbon—by buying a registration through one of our seven cooperating charity organizations. “The Prague Half Marathon is an extraordinary race in an incredibly beautiful and historic place, with an unforgettable atmosphere. This is a race that’s on almost every runner’s bucket list,” says Carlo Capalbo, President of the RunCzech Organizing Committee.

The race, in keeping with tradition, will start and finish at the Jan Palach Square in front of the Rudolfinum. And it will be attended by almost 12,000 participants, led by elite Czech and international athletes. Roughly 200 charity-supporting registrations are still available as of this writing. They can be purchased in support of the following organizations: Domov Sv. Josefa, Running with those that can’t, Run for Ukraine, Společnost pro hluchoslepé, Světlo pro svět and Zdravotní klaun. Purchasing your registration from any of the organizations above gives you the opportunity not only to enjoy the legendary event, but also to support a good cause, with each organization receiving a part of the entry fee. The very last registrations are available here.

For half-marathoners who, unfortunately, get shut out, there’s still good news.  You can still run your half marathon a month later, on 7th May, as a part of the world famous Prague International Marathon. Runners will be able to compete as part of a 2-person team, relay-style, with each member running 21 km. Visit www.runczech.cz/registrace,and sign up for the 2Run race.

For a chance to run your half marathon, and mix in a tour of the beautiful Czech countryside, RunCzech will also organize its traditional half marathons in Karlovy Vary, České Budějovice, Olomouc, Ústí nad Labem and Liberec throughout the year.