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RunCzech opens registrations for the UniCredit Prague Relay. Runners will experience two days of running joy

A celebration of movement, life and, of course, a good dose of competition. This is the UniCredit Prague Relay, a two-day running festival for which 6th edition RunCzech is now opening registrations. The unique race, in which friends or colleagues can measure their condition against others over four five-kilometre routes in the Stromovka Park, takes place on 27th and 28th June at the Prague Exhibition Centre. “There is always a unique summer atmosphere at this event. It is a great combination of healthy exercise and fun. We expect up to seven thousand runners during those two days,” says Carlo Capalbo, President of the RunCzech organizing committee, which also organizes the world-famous Prague Half Marathon and Prague International Marathon in Czech Republic´s capital city.

The running event, which also includes a Music Festival, will actually start on 26th June at the Running Mall, where competitors can pick up their numbers and packages. The races will start a day later at 5 pm with the popular dm bambini run. The first runners of the relay teams will head to Stromovka at 6 pm, together with the representatives of banks and members of the Czech Banking Association (Bank Cup) and diplomats’ teams (Diplomatic Cup). The following day, at the same times, there will be another race for children, followed by the second main race, with teams of medical services (IZS Cup) and chambers of commerce (Chambers Cup). 

“I am very pleased that we are again the partner of UniCredit Prague Relay as well as seven thousand participants of this beautiful race. The team races bring shared joy, euphoria and achieving a goal together. Therefore, I believe that we will all enjoy it this year, including more than a hundred running enthusiasts wearing UniCredit jerseys,” said Tomáš Drábek, Head of Retail Banking at UniCredit Bank.

However, by purchasing the registration, the participants receive much more than “just a race.” They can think of the event as a team building, a bachelorette party or a school reunion after a few years. Runners will receive a picnic blanket or even a unique RunCzech backpack and a race T-shirt. And if they have any energy left, they can enjoy an evening full of fun after the race.

Those interested can also order a fully equipped private tent at the finish corridor for 50 visitors, where the comfort of the entire team, guests and fan club will be waiting, including a catering by Hilton Prague.

The UniCredit Prague Relay has also a charitable overlap. It is associated with the organization Light for the World, an NGO that focuses on curing blindness, improving the quality of life and advocacy for people with disabilities in the least developed parts of the world, especially in Africa.

To register, please visit www.runczech.com.