Registration transfer – manual and rules

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The complete process of registration transfer to a new runner

The process of finding a new runner is solely on the part of the originally registered runner.

Individual category

1. Application for registration transfer

The application for registration transfer is made by a registered runner after signing in to his/her Runners ID profile in My races section. At selected race he/she clicks on „Registration transfer“ and in the next window confirms terms and conditions of registration transfer, choose a payment method and confirms the application for registration transfer. We recommend using on-line card payment method, which is the fastest. The fee for the registration transfer is paid by the formerly registered runner!

2. Payment for the registration transfer

After sending the application for registration will the runner receive an e-mail with a confirmation of the order and instructions for making the payment or is redirected to the payment portal. If the payment is not paid, the order of registration transfer will be cancelled and the registration remains to the formerly registered runner.

3. Registration code

After receiving the payment of the registration transfer will be sent an e-mail with confirmation of cancellation of the registration and a unique code with instructions to the former runner. He/she will hand down the code with the instructions to a new runner who will use it for registration to the race on CODE ITSELF DOESN’T MEAN REGISTRATION TO THE RACE! The way of handing down of the code is up to you.

4. Registration of a new runner

The registration is made by the new runner himself/herself. For the registration to the race by the code is necessary to register through On this website, the new runner types in the code to the field and proceeds with a button “Submit coupon code”. After logging into his/her Runners ID profile he/she will get into a new registration where he/she can edit personal details, race category and order additional products. The registration to the race is eligible when the new order is confirmed, send and paid (if there are additional products).

5. Payment

In case that part of the order of a new runner are not any additional products over the limit of transferred registration, the total price of the order is 0 EUR. These orders are manually confirmed until few days since their creation.In case that the new runner adds an additional product over the limit of the transferred registration to the new order, the total price of the order will be an increase of this amount. These orders must be paid according to instructions to the payment.

6. Confirmation of the registration

After paying the order (or our manual confirmation of the 0 EUR order) receives the new runner on his/her e-mail a confirmation of a successful registration. This registration will appear also in his/her Runners ID profile.

Team category

  1. The registration transfer is made by the registrator of the team in his/her Runners ID profile – section My orders.
  2. At the chosen order he/she choose the runner who should be replaced and press “X” button next to his/her name.
  3. In the next step, the registrator fills in Runners ID of the new runner, fills in missing details and confirms the change.
  4. The registration transfer is complete and the new runner becomes a member of the team.
  5. The registration transfer for teams is for free.

Relay / 2Run category

  1. The registration transfer is made by the registrator of the team in his/her Runners ID profile – section My orders.
  2. At the chosen order he/she choose the runner who should be replaced and press “X” button next to his/her name. The order of runners might be changed by using arrows next to their names.
  3. In the next step, the registrator fills in Runners ID of the new runner, fills in missing details and confirms the change.
  4. The registration transfer is complete and the new runner becomes a member of the relay / 2Run.
  5. The registration transfer for relays / 2Run is for free.

Rules of registration transfer

Individual category

  • the registration transfer is possible only within the current race
  • the registration transfer is possible only once – the runner who applied the registration code can’t transfer this registration anymore
  • the registration transfer is possible until Sunday before the race. Registration transfer will also be possible directly at the Expo, the fee for registration transfer on the spot will be 6 EUR.
  • the registration code must be used until Tuesday before the race
  • the (online) registration transfer fee is 4 EUR and is paid by the formerly registered runner according to instructions in the order
  • in case that the registration transer fee is not paid, the registration remains to the formerly registered runner
  • as soon as the registration transfer fee is paid, formerly registered runners loses all claims from former registration. These claims are transfered together with the registration to the new runner inf form of discount coupon
  • additional products purchased by formerly registered runner are not autmatically transferred in full coverage on the new runner
  • a part of the registration transfer code is also „credit“ which value will correspond to the value of the purchased additional products by the formerly registered runner (if additional products have been purchased)
  • the “credit” is usable for ordering own additional products by choice of the new runner and must be used during the registration to the race (doesn’t include the cancellation insurance from race participation which is not transferable)
  • in case that new runner won’t use all the credit or will be unable to do so because of the capacity of additional products, the differential value can’t be claimed and additional products ordered in the former registration can’t be refunded to formerly registered runner neither new runner
  • the credit can’t be used for the cancellation insurance from race participation of the new runner
  • the new runner must meet the terms and conditions of the race, agree with the rules of the race and successfully register for the race
  • in case of the registration is transferred, the formerly registered runner is allowed to register for the race again. This new re-registration is not transferable
  • the new runner can purchase other additional product (over the limit of the credit from the transferred registration) – payment for these additional products is made by the new runner
  • in case of the registration is transferred, the formerly registered runner loses the possibility of usage of the cancellation insurance from race participation purchased in the former order
  • if the former registration consists the cancellation insurance from race participation, the value of this product is not transferable and the insurance can’t be used
  • the registration to Volkswagen Prague marathon is not transferable for participants of the Czech Republic Championship in marathon and Gold PIM Kings/Queens
  • the registration code doesn’t mean the registration to the race – it is necessary to create the registration and confirm it
  • the race organizer is allowed to decline the registration transfer application
  • the race organizer is not responsible for the resale, handing down or communication between runners
  • the race organizer is not responsible for eventual frauds, not handing down of the registration code to the new runner or not paying of the new runner to the formerly registered runner

Team category

  • the registration transfer for teams is for free
  • the registration transfer is possible only within the current race
  • the registration transfer is possible until Tuesday before the race
  • the new runner must meet the terms and conditions of the race, agree with the rules of the race and successfully register for the race
  • additional products purchased by the formerly registered runner are fully transferred to the new runner

Relay / 2Run category

  • the registration transfer for relays / 2Runs is for free
  • the registration transfer is possible only within the current race
  • the registration transfer is possible until Tuesday before the race
  • the new runner must meet the terms and conditions of the race, agree with the rules of the race and successfully register for the race
  • additional products purchased by the formerly registered runner are fully transferred to the new runner