Mattoni Liberec Nature Run 2024

  • 5. 10. 2024
  • Liberec
  • 7 days 22 hours 32 minutes
Home / Závody / Mattoni Liberec Nature Run 2024 / Information for runners

Information for runners

General Information

Time schedule Mattoni Liberec Nature Run 2024

Mattoni Liberec Nature Run 2024 – 5.10.2024

  • 9:00 Program starts at Náměstí Dr. E. Beneše
  • 10:00 Start dm family mile
  • 10:30 Opening of the technical area
  • 10:45 Start dm bambini run
  • 11:00 Start corridors for 22 km open
  • 11:30 Start Mattoni Liberec Nature Run 22 km
  • 11:45 Stat corridors for 12 km open
  • 12:15 Start Mattoni Liberec Nature Run 12 km
  • 12:45-50 First finishers 22 km expected
  • 12:55-59  First finishers 12 km expected
  • 13:05-15 Award ceremony
  • 15:30 Last runner – end of the race
  • 16:30 Technical are closing
General Information

Mattoni Liberec Nature Run 2024

  • Saturday, October 5, 2024 | Náměstí Dr. E. Beneše
    • Start 22 km: 11:30
    • Start 12 km: 12:15

dm family mile Liberec 2024

  • Saturday, October 5, 2024 | Náměstí Dr. E. Beneše
  • Start: 10:00

dm bambini run Liberec 2024

  • Saturday, October 5, 2024 | Náměstí Dr. E. Beneše
  • Start: 10:45
Health information and rules

Please train properly, get in touch with your trainer and general practitioner or a sport doctor. If you do not feel well or suffer from the injury, please consider to take part in the race. You take part on your own risk.

Please fill in the health information on the back side of your start number and a contact person in case emergency. 

Confirmation for start number pick up

You will be asked to show your ID when picking up the start number to verify your identity. 

You can also authorize someone else to pick up your number on your behalf. Find more info here.

It will be possible to authorize another person to pick up your start number online until 5.10.2024 at 10:00.

Registration transfer to another runner

Re-registration to another runner for the Mattoni Liberec Nature Run 2024 can be done online from the registered runner’s profile until Sunday, 29 September 2024 (procedure here). The fee for online registration tranfer is 100 CZK (4 EUR).

Re-registration for another runner will also be possible directly at the EXPO. The fee for registration transfer on the spot will be 150 CZK (6 EUR).

Before the race

Picking up your starting number

The starting number can be picked up during the opening hours of the Running Expo.

When picking up your starting number, you will be asked to present a document for identity verification, a national ID card or similar document with your name and photo is sufficient to prove your identity. The bib number can be collected on behalf of an authorized power of attorney or by authorizing another person to collect online via Runners ID.

It will be possible to authorize another person to pick up your start number online until 5.10.2024 at 10:00.

Opening hours of Running Expo

Will be specified.

General rules

It is strictly forbidden to use any means of transport during the race, or to go on the course with a child’s pram, run with dogs or carry children. 

Participation in the race is at participants’ own risk. More information about race rules

Chip and timekeeping

Your start number must be fixed visibly on your chest. 

Safety-pins will be included in the envelope containing your start number.

Timekeeping will be tracked through chips, which are attached to the back of the start number, and which must not be removed at any time during the race. NO CHIP = NO TIME! Chips are disposab

Time limit

Time limit is 2 hours (for 12 km race) and 4 hours (for 22 km race) from the start of the race (starting signal). The limit time is listed for each kilometer in the map of the race. All runners behind this time must leave the course and end their participation in the race for safety reasons.

Runners code
  1. Go for a sports-health check-up before the race.
  2. Keep an eye on the weather forecast and dress as if the temperature were 5 °C higher. You can put on an old coat or t-shirt at the start. All clothing left in the start lanes will go to the needy.
  3. Fix your start number to a visible place on your chest and complete the details required on the reverse side. This will make it easier to provide health assistance if necessary.
  4. Use the designated toilet areas.
  5. Adhere to the instructions of the organisers.
  6. Make sure you look around you before throwing away your cup, spitting or blowing your nose.
  7. If you can’t go on any more, first cross to the edge of the course before stopping. This will prevent collisions and unexpected encounters.
  8. The refreshment stations are many metres long. Use the whole length of the space and don’t stop right at the first table.
  9. You can run with headphones if you want, but many bands and music points are located along the course so it would be a pity to miss them.
  10. Share your joy about completing the run with your fans only after you’ve crossed the finish line.
  11. Everyone’s a winner. Enjoy the run and the happiness regardless of the time.
Health status

Take part in the race only in excellent health and after adequate preparation. We recommend that you undergo a specialist check-up and pay close attention to your current state of health.

Please fill in the health information on the back side of your start number and a contact person in case emergency.

With respect to the Jizera Mountains

The Mattoni Liberec Nature Run will take us to the Protected Landscape Area of the Jizera Mountains, and during the race we must treat nature with respect.

Dispose of waste only in designated places – a waste disposal zone will be prepared at each refreshment and refreshment station. Do not throw it into the forest or the surrounding area!

RunCzech App

With the RunCzech App you can easily pick up your start number, receive all benefits from race partners and learn important race information. Your friends and family can also find useful information in the app.

Race day

Time schedule Mattoni Liberec Nature Run 2024

Mattoni Liberec Nature Run 2024 – 5.10.2024

  • 9:00 Program starts at Náměstí Dr. E. Beneše
  • 10:00 Start dm family mile
  • 10:30 Opening of the technical area
  • 10:45 Start dm bambini run
  • 11:00 Start corridors for 22 km open
  • 11:30 Start Mattoni Liberec Nature Run 22 km
  • 11:45 Stat corridors for 12 km open
  • 12:15 Start Mattoni Liberec Nature Run 12 km
  • 12:45-50 First finishers 22 km expected
  • 12:55-59  First finishers 12 km expected
  • 13:05-15 Award ceremony
  • 15:30 Last runner – end of the race
  • 16:30 Technical are closing
How to get to the start?

All races start at the Dr. E. Beneše Square (Náměstí dr. E. Beneše), which is easily accessible by public transport or on foot. We recommend to park your car in the shopping mall or outside the city centre as there will be several traffic closures. For more information about the parking or traffic please use Waze app.

Start corridor

The division into corridors is determined by the expected time in registration and the timeliness of your registration. Your corridor is according to “Group” on your start number. Available only for runners with the start number.

Refreshment points

There will be several stations on the track. Please, throw all the waste in the marked places and directly into containers. This ensures efficient recycling.

Refreshing points

There will be several stations on the track. Please, throw all the waste in the marked places and directly into containers. This ensures efficient recycling. 

Drop zone

Zones for throwing cups from refreshment stations will be specially marked on the track. Please respect these zones for cups and dispose of other packaging (e.g. energy gels, pet bottles, etc.) only in these zones. It is strictly forbidden to throw packaging outside the marked zones.

Running tips

If you are running a race for the first time, you can read running tips on appropriate clothing, drinks and nutrition on the day of the race on our website in the First-timers section.

Technical area – service for runners

Changing rooms, bag deposit, toilets, medal engraving – all this can be found there. Entry is only possible for participants with a start number and will be checked.

Bag deposit

Located in the technical area. Hand over your belongings to a volunteer standing at the appropriate box corresponding to the last two digits of your bib number. Maximum accepted size of bags 25×45×70 cm. Larger luggage cannot be accepted for capacity and safety reasons.

Engraving a medal

After the race, medal engraving will be available in the technical area, where you can have your final time engraved. After the closure of the technical area, it will no longer be possible to have your time engraved.

Medical Service

Will be available at the start, the finish, in the technical area and along the course. If you need to call an ambulance, ask a volunteer or call the emergency services on number 155 and tell them your start number.

If you are not feeling well or have recently been ill it’s best to not take part in the race. You are entering the race at your own risk. 

Along the course there will be several medical points and ambulance points. Also, there will be mobile bike groups with AED.

On the back of your number fill in all important information about your state of health for the case of medical assistance.


Are located at every refreshment point, in the technical area and in the start/finish area.

After the race

Result service

Results will be published after the race as soon as possible. The ranking is done according to the official time which is counted from the start of the race. You can contact us if there is a mistake in your result within 5 working days after the race. Don’t forget to provide the name of the race, your start number and as many details as possible.

In the team race the official result of all team members is added up. Please follow the instructions of the organizers and volunteers! Thank you.

Finishers photos

Order your photographs online at Available approximately 3 days after th

dm family mile

What is dm family mile?

dm family mile is a race intended mainly for families with children. A mile is an athletic competition distance of 1.6 km. The dm family mile itself is a non-competitive run that is divided into several categories based on pace.

Signing up for dm family mile

Anyone can log in, even without a Runners ID – this means you don’t have to create a profile with all the information.

It is not possible to participate in the race without a proper application and starting number!

Picking up the starting number

You can pick up your starting number at the Running Expo, where numbers for races are picked up. It is not necessary to always come in person, it is enough if one of the parents picks up the numbers for the whole family. You will be asked to show your ID card or other proof of identity, to collect the number for other runners, their names or order number is sufficient.

You will also receive a start package with your start number.

Start corridors

The start is in waves, when the children who dare to run without their parents are the first to start. Then whole families start at a faster pace, followed by slower runners. The last to start are runners who would rather walk the route, families with strollers, small children on bouncers, etc.

The division is for the safety of all runners, and for the best experience for children who can really compete and go all out.

Runners with strollers and bouncers start from the 3rd wave!

Finish area

At the finish line, each participant will receive a medal and a small snack.