UniCredit Prague Relay 2024

  • 25. 6. 2024
  • Průmyslový palác, Výstaviště Holešovice, Praha 7
Home / Závody / UniCredit Prague Relay 2024

Title partner


Prague Relay 25. 6. 2024

  • Distance: 4,8000 km
  • Date: Tuesday 25. 6. 2024 From 18:00

Prague Relay 26. 6. 2024

  • Distance: 0 Km
  • Date: Wednesday 26. 6. 2024 From 18:00

Bank Cup

  • Distance: 4,8000 km
  • Date: Tuesday 25. 6. 2024 From 18:00

Chambers Cup

  • Distance: 0 Km
  • Date: Tuesday 25. 6. 2024 From 18:00

Diplomatic Cup

  • Distance: 0 Km
  • Date: Tuesday 25. 6. 2024 From 18:00

Medical Cup

  • Distance: 0 Km
  • Date: Wednesday 26. 6. 2024 From 18:00

dm bambini run 25. 6. 2024

  • Distance: 0 Km
  • Date: Tuesday 25. 6. 2024 From 17:00

dm bambini run 26. 6. 2024

  • Distance: 0 Km
  • Date: Wednesday 26. 6. 2024 From 17:00

Title partner

A team race, a party, and a relaxing evening with a picnic box – that’s the Prague Relay. Join your friends for a run and then enjoy a summer evening in Stromovka Park.

Form a four-person team, each running 4.8 km, and celebrate together at the finish line. Registration includes a picnic box with refreshments so you can all relax and enjoy the evening party with live music. What more could you ask for?

Download RunCzech App

In one place, you will get all the necessary information about the race, accompanying program and virtual package.


the montage from year 2023

2 dny plné zábavy a závodění. Takhle jsme si užili letošní UniCredit Pražskou štafetu.


Important numbers & info




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