Run for trees

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Through online registration for individual races, you have the opportunity to contribute CZK 250 to the planting and protection of trees as part of the “I run for trees” charity project with the Partnership Foundation for the eighteenth year. The foundation will use the selected funds to restore the avenues along the roads and the tree line around the cycle paths as part of the Sázime futurós initiative.

Do you care about the environment you run in? Join the nearly 1,000 runners who run every year to support tree planting in places where people want and need them. Since 2005, when we cooperated on the project of planting trees in the landscape and cities with the Partnership Foundation, almost 3,800 new trees and bushes were added to the landscape thanks to the financial contribution of runners.

How can you join? When filling out the registration form, choose “I run for trees” and donate 250 CZK.

Or donate directly to the trees! Your contribution will go through the grants of the We are planting the future initiative for the planting of trees, avenues, draws or orchards (and their subsequent care) in communities throughout our country.

Since 2018, ultramarathoner Daniel Orálek has been the patron of the “I run for trees” activity. For Dan – as well as for hundreds of other runners – trees are an indispensable part of running preparations and marathons themselves:

“Trees are among my faithful companions during training and races. I owe them the shade and pleasant coolness, the rustling of their crowns and the changeable landscape throughout the year. Their ability to withstand not only the games of the weather, but also the reckless interference of civilization, motivates me to run further when I have want to stop.”

You can read how Dan made his way from the athletics circle to the Spartathlon in the extended edition of his book My Long Run.

Year 2023

Since the beginning of our mutual cooperation, which has lasted for 18 years, we managed to plant 3,726 trees and bushes thanks to the support of 7,500 runners in more than 65 places throughout the Czech Republic. The total length of the marathon avenue is 37.2 km.

Years 2021 and 2022

In 2022, Emil Zátopek would have missed the centenary of his birth and 70 years have passed since his phenomenal performance at the Olympic Games in Helsinki. That’s why we wanted to complete the marathon alley and dedicate it to Emil and all the runners from all over the world. For 2021 and 2022, we collected a total of CZK 392,000 as part of the joint campaign for Marathon Avenue.  

Year 2020

This year was affected by the coronavirus pandemic, when most of our races were cancelled. Runners could contribute to trees at only two races, namely in Liberec and Ústí nad Labem. Despite these restrictions, it was possible to contribute to the planting of 130 trees.

Year 2019

We are facing perhaps the greatest challenge in human history. Our job is to prepare our earth for climate change and all that comes with it. And trees are among the most powerful tools available to humans. What can one full-grown sturdy tree do?

  • The cooling power of a mature tree is equivalent to 10 air conditioners!
  • A 100-year-old beech creates 13 kg of oxygen per day. That’s enough for 10 people to breathe!
  • Birch evaporates over 100 liters of water per day in the heat.
  • A 100-year-old oak swallows as much CO2 as the emissions of a car that would circle the Earth three times.
  • Trees also protect against wind and erosion, dampen noise, are a home for small animals and insects and generally have a healing effect on the human psyche.

Through online registration for individual races, you have the opportunity to donate to the “I run for trees” charity project. Thanks to him, RunCzech together with the Foundation has been supporting the planting and protection of trees for the fourteenth year. Every year, the foundation uses the selected funds to plant new trees, restore avenues along roads, line trees around bike paths, or treat old trees. Almost 3,500 new trees and bushes grew thanks to the runners.

From 2019, you can contribute to plantings under the banner of the nationwide planting initiative We are planting the future. It aims to plant 10 million trees in Czech cities and countryside within a 5-year horizon, symbolically one for every Czech.

Year 2018

This year was unique due to the 100th anniversary of the founding of Czechoslovakia – the involved “tree runners” ran for the Trees of Freedom 1918-2018. It was a campaign to help discover trees planted to mark major milestones in our history, treat them and plant new ones. In total, more than 4,500 historical trees of freedom were discovered, and during the autumn, more than 2,700 new trees of freedom, mainly lindens, were planted, which will remind us of the importance of freedom and democracy. You can read a detailed report on the entire project here.

During the 2018 running season, 980 tree runners managed to collect a total of 148,550 CZK.

Thank you all very much!

How did the individual races do?

Sportisimo Prague Half Marathon: 115 runners, 28 750 Kč

Volkswagen Marathon Prague – 129 runners, 32 250 Kč

Mattoni Karlovy Vary Half Marathon – 135 runners, 13 500 Kč

Mattoni  České Budějovice Half Marathon – 101 runners, 10 100 Kč

Mattoni Olomouc Half Marathon – 170 runners, 17 000 Kč

Birell Prague Grand Prix – 93 runners, 23 250 Kč

Mattoni Ústí nad Labem Half Marathon – 101 runners, 10 100 Kč

Liberec Nature Run – 136 runners, 13 600 Kč

On October 24, 2018, a training run was held to the two found trees of freedom in Letná, which ended with the joint planting of two new linden trees in the Letná park.

Year 2017

During the 2017 cross-country season, 657 tree runners managed to collect a total of 101,550 CZK. All collected money will be used for the autumn planting of trees in the municipalities: Kopřivnice, Račiněves, Merboltice, Podbřežice. Thank you to all tree walkers!

Year 2016

A total of 758 runners contributed a total of CZK 120,050 to the planting of new trees during this year’s RunCzech Running League 2016. During October and November, new trees were planted in Lešná (Zlín Region), Velké Týnec (Olomouk Region), Liptál (Zlín Region), Obrubce (Central Bohemia Region), Rosice (South Moravian Region) and Velké Popovice (Central Bohemia Region). Thank you to everyone who they supported the planting of new trees. You are great!

Year 2015

In 2015, 848 Czech and foreign RunCzech runners supported the planting and protection of trees. We managed to collect almost 150,000 crowns, which we used together with the Partnership foundation to plant 181 trees and bushes in five places in the republic – in Březina in South Moravia (37 fruit trees), Český Rudolec in South Bohemia (40 cherry and plum trees), in Kutná Hora (50 fruit trees), in Netín in Vysočín (19 small-leaved lindens) and in Smržovka in the Liberec region (25 edible cranes).

Year 2014

More than eight hundred Czech and foreign runners of the RunCzech races in 2014 contributed to the Partnership Foundation for tree planting. Thanks to their support, it was possible to collect almost 160,000 crowns, which were used to plant trees in seven places in the country. Linden trees, oaks, beeches, cranes, cherry trees, apple trees, walnut trees, plum trees and pear trees have been added to the avenues, gardens and draws – a total of 450 new trees and shrubs. In October and November, local volunteers together with children from schools and kindergartens, scouts, people with mental and mixed disabilities and representatives of non-profit organizations dropped them off. They are now enjoying the new trees in Zásmuký, Líbeznice, Ročov and Vsetín, where they have installed field paths used for walking and cycling. Thanks to the planting of trees, pleasant places to relax were also created in the Experimental Garden in Pravonín, the garden of Villa Čerych in Česká Skalica and in the integration center for people with disabilities in Pátek u Peruca.