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Czech Republic President Pavel: The proud starter and supporter of the Prague International Marathon 2023

The starting shot at the Prague International Marathon was taken by the most esteemed guest. More than seven thousand runners were set on their way from Wenceslas Square onto the 42-kilometre course by President Petr Pavel. He did not want to miss one of the most prestigious races in the world, although he only just returned to the Czech Republic after two busy days in London, where he and his wife Eva attended the coronation of King Charles III. “The marathon is an amazing discipline. Sporting events of this kind are a huge opportunity to show our country to the world and in this case in the best light. All the competitors have my great respect,” said President Pavel, who also met the chairman of the RunCzech organizing committee, Carlo Capalbo, at the start. “It is a great honour for us that President Pavel started the marathon and with his participation supported not only our race but the sport as a whole,” Carlo Capalbo added.
President Pavel has been active in sport since he was young, and this is evident when hearing him speak. “Sport has been part of my whole life. I started my military service in the paratroopers, and lazy people don’t enjoy much success there. Whenever I had the chance, I tried to do at least something, either exercise or go for a run. Now it’s a little more difficult with the security, but I still try,” Pavel explained.

The Czech President is well aware of the problems of growing rates in childhood obesity, which is alarming even according to expert data. That is not the only reason why he wants to continue to promote sport and physical activity. “It is one of the things I have been focusing on for a long time. During my presidential campaign, I was talking to Dr. Sebek, who is a promoter of healthy lifestyle, about the fact that we as people should do something for ourselves. And sport is inseparable from that. We will continue to work together to find ways to connect the dots and show children and young people that sport is a wonderful thing that helps prevent all sorts of health problems,” he pointed out.

“The more we can do to prevent, the better. Running in particular is one of the cheapest and most effective ways to do something for yourself. And we can all do it. I’ve always found sporting activities to be something enjoyable, but also important to keep fit, not just physically but mentally. Whether we will be happy in life also depends a lot on whether we keep moving throughout our lives. All statistics and surveys show that if someone moves at least a little, they are healthier than others. There are many civilization diseases.”

The President also praised the accompanying events, such as the dm family mile, which took place as part of the Prague International Marathon. “I am convinced that such runs like the ones held yesterday in Stromovka can encourage families with children to move and sport. These races build on the racing atmosphere and attract children to exercise in a beautiful and innocent way. Plus, the kids get to see the better ones do it the next day in the main marathon race. And maybe they will also want to be better and maybe one day they will also stand at the start of a marathon,” Pavel highlighted.

Prezident Petr Pavel with Carlo Capalbo - International Prague Marathon 2023