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NEWS – Birell Prague Grand Prix 2023

Here you will find all important information (results, photos, video) about Birell Prague Grand Prix 2023 – adidas Women’s race 5 km and Birell 10K Race. We will try to publish all information as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding. 

RunCzech Team



  • Birell 10K Race are here
  • adidas Women’s race 5 km  are here.
  • Every runner will get SMS and email about results and other information.
  • if you will have complaints about results, please follow this link

Official photos 

Official video

  • will be on our website here
  • or on our YouTube
  • you can also look on replay of live broadcast on PULSE.TV

We are interested in your opinion


POST RACE QUESTIONNAIRE – adidas Women’s race 5 km

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