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Welcome to the Volkswagen Prague Marathon

We are celebrating our 20th anniversary since we organized our first race in Prague in 1995. We are looking forward to welcome you in this special year for us and we hope your race will be full of excitement and memorable experience.

In order to make your run as beautiful and interesting as possible we, with close and kind cooperation of our partners, prepared a rich and creative program on the race course and throughout the whole Volkswagen Marathon Weekend.

Let us share with you some highlights of the special activities which will be offered to you and to everyone cheering and supporting the runners.

Volkswagen and Birell – your friends and family will have a unique chance to cheer you up along the course by leaving you a motivational message or personal video (on the 36th km) which will energize you up when you need it the most, and give you the right spirit to finish the race. Your personalized message/video will be linked to your bib number and it will appear on a Big Screen just as you approach it. Send them these links where they can upload their messages: www.fandimemaratoncum.cz, or remind them to visit the Volkswagen and Birell’s stand at the Sport Expo.

SPORTISIMO and adidas On your way from the technical area to the marathon line-up , you can pick up a split – time armband at the SPOTISIMO tent, that will guide you through the race so that you can reach your estimated finish time. After wards, just before you enter in the technical area, don’t forget to stop by the SPORTISIMO / adidas photo wall and make your personalized photo. Our partners will print it for you immediately on the spot and you will have a beautiful memory from your race saved forever.

Cloud 9 Sky bar and Mattoni – it will be impossible to miss the impressive ICE BAR in the middle of the Old Town Square. Cloud 9 Sky Bar, located in the Hilton Prague hotel, will offer you a unique chance to enjoy a complimentary Ginger Rain cocktail, winner of the Mattoni Grand Drink contest 2008,while seated on chairs and at tables made of real ice.

Mattoni – all registered runner will have the exclusive chance to taste the brand drink ‘Schorle’ which is a great combination of mineral water and apple juice. Ask for your free sample while picking up your start bag in the Sport Expo.

Birell – On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Prague International Marathon, our partner Birell produced limited edition of the non-alcoholic beer glass Birell with a signature of the legendary Kenyan runner Patrick Makau. There are 958 glasses in total, the exact same amount as the number of runners at the first Prague Marathon in 1995. All funds raised go to the Czech Marathon Hopes, a project with a goal to discover the new Czech running stars. The price of one glass is 99CZK and will be available for sale during the Sport Expo May 8-10.

Birell – music and running go along. You will see 18 Birell stands on the course, where you will be able to enjoy live music bands or DJs that will boost your stamina to continue your race.

dm drogerie market – is a kind partner of the dm Family MiniMarathon and makes it possible for 4000 families and children to run a short course and feel the marathon atmosphere. Do you know anyone who wants to join you for a great Sunday out? Send them to runczech.com to secure their start number.

Prague Airport – is the official hub of the Volkswagen Prague Marathon. If you reach Prague by plane, look for the official help desk at the Prague Airport which will give you all necessary information once you arrive in the city for an entirely enjoyable and pleasant stay.

Turkish Airlines – you might have the luck to travel together with some of our elite athletes. Turkish Airlines is taking care for them to arrive on time, relaxed and prepared for their best performance. You are in the right hands.

Madeta – our tradition Madeta Pasta Party is taking place on Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Sport Expo. Make sure you have the necessary carbohydrates intake before you start the race.

DHL – Although organizing a marathon is a huge and complex coordination process, our partner DHL secures that your T-shirts, medals, fruits and everything else you need at the race is ready for your greatest satisfaction.

České Dráhy (ČD) – for all of you coming out of Prague the best way to travel is using the ČD card. Be assured that you will not find a better offer than the one exclusively prepared for all RunCzech participants.

ČSOB Pojišťovna – while you pick up your start number at the Sport Expo, you will have a chance to purchase your injury insurance for a symbolic price. Ask our volunteers for more information. We wish you a worry-less runJ.

MF Dnes, Metro, Lidové Noviny – those are our official newspapers, so if you want to find the latest information and interesting marathon stories, just get your complimentary copy at the Sport Expo or during the race.

Seznam.cz – surely you have already studied your course map. We hope you liked it and we hope we helped you not to get lost. All the maps that you see on our website or hold in your hands, are a kind contribution of our partner Seznam.cz and its web portal mapy.cz.

Czech Television – for those that are not running and not able to be present at the Old Town Square, CT Sport is broadcasting live the full marathon experience. If you want to check out the happenings later on, you can always go back and play it on ivysilani.cz.

Radiožurnál –our official radio partner brings you all necessary information and interesting stories from the race. They will even have an interactive broadcasting booth on the square where all runners and public will have a chance to be part of the show.