All Runners Are Beautiful

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All Runners Are Beautiful is our way of welcoming everyone —and we do mean everyone— to the wonderful world of running. To a world of fitness and fun and friendship. This is an homage to everyone who cares enough about themselves to lace up a pair of running shoes and commit to making themselves a little bit better. That’s what victory is, in our minds. Not winning, necessarily. But doing. And enjoying.

“All Runners Are Beautiful” is also a testament to how we feel about running. About the sport itself. It is pure. It is life-restoring. It can be social or meditative. It can be a personal challenge or a slow jog through the woods on an autumn morning. Running is a joy. That’s the message here. And everyone who’s willing to participate in this perfect, beautiful sport —young, old, big, slim, fast, or slow— is welcomed. Is loved. Is beautiful.


Cooking from chopping to baking is fun 
And Alex loves words of praise once it’s done

Picking a recipe and planning a meal 
Is something that talks about how we feel 

In a way it’s similar to running… one step in front of the other
And endless possibilities to be discovered!


Zoe the Doll, a great runner that after a jog, she just wants to relax in her soothing bath! That means, no answering the phone, and just enjoying this peaceful moment!!


Tom loves apartment therapy and lazy sundays,
Staying inn and chilling out, feels as holidays.

Laying low one full day on the couch snoring,
Letting the brain cool is nothing but boring!

Having run early morning, there is no guilt..
When tempted to be productive, he can’t resist!!


Anne is sensitive and a creative soul. Worried about our planet and doesn’t eat any animal products.
Her sitting room smells of jasmine and the walls are full of start numbers and medals. Also, she loves plants and her whole apartment looks like a charming garden.
“Home is a feeling” she preaches legs crossed sitting on the carpet, doing her after-run stretch.


Mario is one of the millions of runners that form part of the big community of runners young, old, big, slim, fast, slow that are beautiful and singular. He loves opera,” La Dolce Vita” and jogging at the first light of dawn before the city awakes and becomes noisy.
He feels proud to be Italian not only in regards to their famous style and craftmanship but mostly because of their worldwide reputation of being men enthusiastic about love and passion that can make any woman on earth feel beautiful.