\r\n \n
Sabastian Kimaru SAWE set the new event record at the Prague Half Marathon with the time of 0:58:24. With 15,500 entries it is the biggest running event in Central Europe.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2023<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
N\u00e1vrat s\u00e9rie EuroHeroes, kter\u00e1 byla \u00fasp\u011b\u0161n\u00e1 pro \u010deskou b\u011b\u017ekyni Terezu Hrochovou. Nov\u00fd koncept rodinn\u00fdch b\u011bh\u016f – rodinn\u00e1 m\u00edle, kter\u00e1 m\u00e1 p\u0159il\u00e1kat k\u00a0b\u011bh\u00e1n\u00ed je\u0161t\u011b v\u00edce lid\u00ed a\u00a0rodin. Alexander Mutiso \u010dasem 2:05:09 vytvo\u0159il nov\u00fd rekord Pra\u017esk\u00e9ho mezin\u00e1rodn\u00edho maratonu.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2023<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
Return of EuroHeroes series which was a\u00a0success for Czech runner Tereza Hrochova. New concept of family runs – family mile to attract even more people and families to run. Alexander Mutiso with the time of 2:05:09 set the new event record of Prague International Marathon.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2022<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
Restart po pandemii v\u00a0pln\u00e9 s\u00edle. Na Pra\u017esk\u00e9m mezin\u00e1rodn\u00edm maratonu byl p\u0159edstaven nov\u00fd inovativn\u00ed koncept Battle of the Teams.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2022<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
Restart after pandemic in full strength. A new innovative concept, The Battle of the Teams, was introduced at the Prague International Marathon.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2021<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
Poda\u0159ilo se uspo\u0159\u00e1dat 5 region\u00e1ln\u00edch z\u00e1vod\u016f a\u00a0byly spu\u0161t\u011bny 2 nov\u00e9 virtu\u00e1ln\u00ed projekty: Mattoni Run&Plog a\u00a0Virtu\u00e1ln\u00ed JMC, Pry\u010d ze \u017eidle.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2021<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
We managed to organize 5 regional races and 2 new virtual projects were launched; Mattoni Run&Plog and Virtual JMC, Pry\u010d ze \u017eidle, Get Up and Run.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2020<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
Kdy\u017e n\u00e1s COVID donutil zru\u0161it v\u0161echny z\u00e1vody, zah\u00e1jili jsme nov\u00fd p\u016flmaraton pouze pro nejlep\u0161\u00ed elitn\u00ed b\u011b\u017ece sv\u011bta \u201cReady for the Restart\u201d. Peres Jepchirchir triumfovala s\u00a0\u010dasem 1:05:34. Jedn\u00e1 se o\u00a0nov\u00fd sv\u011btov\u00fd rekord v\u00a0\u010dist\u011b \u017eensk\u00e9m z\u00e1vd\u011b.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2020<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
When COVID forced us to cancel all races, we launched a new half marathon only for the best elite runners in the World „Ready for the Restart\u201d. Peres Jepchirchir has triumphed with a time of 1:05:34. This is a new world record in women race only.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2019<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
RunCzech dos\u00e1hl rekordn\u00edho po\u010dtu \u00fa\u010dastn\u00edk\u016f: 95 129 b\u011b\u017ec\u016f. Pra\u017esky maraton slav\u00ed 25. v\u00fdro\u010d\u00ed.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2019<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
Runczech reached a record in partecipants: 95 129 runners. Volkswagen Prague Marathon celebrates its 25th anniversary.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2018<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
Eva Vrabcov\u00e1 p\u0159ekonala p\u0159i jubilejn\u00edm dvac\u00e1t\u00e9m ro\u010dn\u00edku 1\/2Maratonu Praha \u010dty\u0159iadvacet let star\u00fd \u010desk\u00fd rekord. Nov\u00e9 tuzemsk\u00e9 maximum m\u00e1 d\u00edky \u010dlence RunCzech Racing t\u00fdmu hodnotu 1:11:01. RunCzech spou\u0161t\u00ed projekt \u201eEuroHeroes\u201c na\u00a0podporu talent\u016f evropsk\u00e9 atletiky a\u00a0aktivn\u00edho \u017eivotn\u00edho stylu. V\u00a0Jizersk\u00fdch hor\u00e1ch odstartoval prvn\u00ed ro\u010dn\u00edk z\u00e1vodu Liberec Nature Run.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2018<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
Eva Vrabcov\u00e1 N\u00fdvltov\u00e1 won the Prague Half Marathon among Czech women. With the time 1:11:01 she broke the record that had endured for 24-years. RunCzech kicked off EuroHeroes project, designed to support European Athletics and search for new local heroes like Z\u00e1topek. Liberec Nature Run had its first edition.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2017<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
Ke\u0148anka Joyciline Jepkosgeiov\u00e1, \u010dlenka RunCzech Racing t\u00fdmu, p\u0159ekonala na Pra\u017esk\u00e9m p\u016flmaratonu sv\u011btov\u00fd rekord v\u00a0p\u016flmaratonu stejn\u011b jako na 10, 15 a\u00a020 km na cest\u011b za v\u00edt\u011bzstv\u00edm v\u00a0\u010dase 1:04:52 hod. Jepkosgeiov\u00e1 pokra\u010dovala v\u00a0hv\u011bzdn\u00fdch pra\u017esk\u00fdch v\u00fdkonech i\u00a0v\u00a0z\u00e1\u0159\u00ed na Grand Prix Praha, kde vylep\u0161ila sv\u016fj sv\u011btov\u00fd rekord na 10 km na 29:43 min. V\u00a0roce 2017 bylo na z\u00e1vodech RunCzech p\u0159ekon\u00e1no celkem 9 rekord\u016f z\u00e1vodu a\u00a04 \u010desk\u00e9 rekordy.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2017<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
Kenya\u2019s Joyciline Jepkosgei, a member of the RunCzech Racing team, broke the world half marathon record as well as the 10km, 15km and 20km marks at the Prague Half Marathon on the way to winning the race in 1:04:52. Jepkosgei continued Prague stellar performance in September at the Prague Grand Prix where she bettered her 10\u2009km world record to 29:43. A total of 9 event records and 4 Czech records were broken at RunCzech events in 2017.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2017<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
Kenya\u2019s Joyciline Jepkosgei, a member of the RunCzech Racing team, broke the world half marathon record as well as the 10km, 15km and 20km marks at the Prague Half Marathon on the way to winning the race in 1:04:52. Jepkosgei continued Prague stellar performance in September at the Prague Grand Prix where she bettered her 10\u2009km world record to 29:43. A total of 9 event records and 4 Czech records were broken at RunCzech events in 2017.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2016<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
Eva Vrabcov\u00e1 dokon\u010dila Pra\u017esk\u00fd maraton v\u00a0\u010dase 2:30:10 a\u00a0o\u00a058 sekund p\u0159ekonala \u010desk\u00fd rekord, kter\u00fd p\u0159edt\u00edm od roku 2000 dr\u017eela Alena Peterkov\u00e1. Sv\u00fdm v\u00fdkonem si Vrabcov\u00e1 zajistila \u00fa\u010dast na olympijsk\u00fdch hr\u00e1ch v\u00a0Riu. T\u00fdm RunCzech za\u010d\u00edn\u00e1 pracovat na dvou z\u00e1vodech v\u00a0It\u00e1lii – na p\u016flmaratonu v\u00a0Neapoli a\u00a0v\u00a0Sorrentu Positanu.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2016<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
Eva Vrabcov\u00e1 finished the Prague Marathon in 2:30:10 and beat the Czech record previously held by Alena Peterkov\u00e1 since 2000 by 58 seconds. Her performance secured Vrabcov\u00e1 a spot for the Rio Olympics. The RunCzech team starts to work on two races in Italy \u2013 Napoli City Half Marathon and Sorrento Positano.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2015<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
P\u016flmaratony v\u00a0Olomouci a\u00a0\u00dast\u00ed nad Labem z\u00edsk\u00e1vaj\u00ed zlatou zn\u00e1mku IAAF Road Race Gold Label.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2015<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
The Half Marathons in Olomouc and \u00dast\u00ed nad Labem are awarded the IAAF Road Race Gold Label.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2014<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
Pra\u017esk\u00fd maraton slav\u00ed 20 let od sv\u00e9ho zalo\u017een\u00ed; za\u010d\u00e1tkem roku je z\u00e1vod pln\u011b obsazen. Praha zkompletuje svou sb\u00edrku zlat\u00fdch zna\u010dek, nebo\u0165 Grand Prix Praha z\u00edsk\u00e1v\u00e1 tak\u00e9 zlatou zna\u010dku IAAF pro silni\u010dn\u00ed z\u00e1vody.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2014<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
The Prague Marathon celebrates its 20 year anniversary; the race is at full capacity by the beginning of the year. Prague completes its collection of Gold Labels as the Prague Grand Prix is also awarded the IAAF Road Race Gold Label.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2013<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
V Praze na Letn\u00e9 je otev\u0159eno zbrusu nov\u00e9 s\u00eddlo RunCzech s\u00a0n\u00e1zvem Running Mall. RunCzech b\u011b\u017eeck\u00e1 liga se roz\u0161i\u0159uje o\u00a0Karlovarsk\u00fd p\u016flmaraton.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2013<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
A brand new RunCzech headquarters called the Running Mall is opened in Prague\u2019s Letn\u00e1 district. RunCzech Running League expands to include the Karlovy Vary Half Marathon.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2012<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
Atsedu Tsegay se s\u00a0\u010dasem 58:47 na pra\u017esk\u00e9m p\u016flmaratonu st\u00e1v\u00e1 \u010dtvrt\u00fdm nejrychlej\u0161\u00edm mu\u017eem v\u00a0 historii. S\u00a0uveden\u00edm dal\u0161\u00edho p\u016flmaratonu, tentokr\u00e1t v\u00a0\u010cesk\u00fdch Bud\u011bjovic\u00edch, vznik\u00e1 nov\u00e1 zna\u010dka RunCzech zahrnuj\u00edc\u00ed v\u0161echny z\u00e1vody v\u00a0\u010cesk\u00e9 republice.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2012<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
With a time of 58:47 at the Prague Half Marathon, Atsedu Tsegay becomes the fourth fastest man ever. With the introduction of another Half Marathon, this time in \u010cesk\u00e9 Bud\u011bjovice, a new brand is created called RunCzech comprising all the races in the Czech Republic.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2011<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
Po Olomouci se p\u0159id\u00e1v\u00e1 \u00dast\u00ed nad Labem jako druh\u00fd mimopra\u017esk\u00fd p\u016flmaraton. Jsou vyhl\u00e1\u0161eni prvn\u00ed Gold PIM Kings & Queens, kte\u0159\u00ed b\u011b\u017eeli v\u0161ech 15 ro\u010dn\u00edk\u016f Pra\u017esk\u00e9ho maratonu.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2011<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
After Olomouc, \u00dast\u00ed nad Labem is added as a second Half Marathon outside of Prague. The first Gold PIM Kings, who ran all 15 editions of Prague Marathon, are announced.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2010<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
Po\u0159\u00e1d\u00e1me prvn\u00ed z\u00e1vod mimo Prahu. P\u016flmaraton v\u00a0Olomouci. Pra\u017esk\u00fd maraton z\u00edsk\u00e1v\u00e1 ocen\u011bn\u00ed IAAF Road Race Gold Label.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2010<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
We host our first race outside of Prague \u2013 the Half Marathon in Olomouc. The Prague Marathon is awarded the IAAF Road Race Gold Label.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2009<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
Pra\u017esk\u00fd p\u016flmaraton z\u00edsk\u00e1v\u00e1 jako prvn\u00ed z\u00a0na\u0161ich z\u00e1vod\u016f zlatou zn\u00e1mku IAAF Road Race Gold Label.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2009<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
The Prague Half Marathon is the first of our races to receive the IAAF Road Race Gold Label.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2008<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
Z\u00e1vod mu\u017e\u016f na 10 km, kter\u00fd je sou\u010d\u00e1st\u00ed Grand Prix, z\u00edsk\u00e1v\u00e1 st\u0159\u00edbrnou zn\u00e1mku IAAF pro silni\u010dn\u00ed z\u00e1vody.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2008<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
The Men\u2019s 10K Race, as a part of the Grand Prix, is awarded the IAAF Road Race Silver Label.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2007<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
Marathon Sport Expo s\u00a0v\u00edce ne\u017e 30 000 n\u00e1v\u0161t\u011bvn\u00edky se st\u00e1v\u00e1 nejv\u011bt\u0161\u00edm sportovn\u00edm veletrhem v\u00a0zemi.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2007<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
The Marathon Sport Expo with over 30 000 visitors becomes the largest sports fair in the country.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2006<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
Po\u010det \u00fa\u010dastn\u00edk\u016f Pra\u017esk\u00e9ho maratonu je poprv\u00e9 p\u0159ekon\u00e1n po\u010dtem p\u016flmaratonc\u016f.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2006<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
The number of participants in the Prague Marathon is exceeded by the number of Half Marathon runners for the first time.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2005<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
Nejv\u011bt\u0161\u00ed hv\u011bzdou Grand Prix se st\u00e1v\u00e1 Stefano Baldini, zlat\u00fd medailista z\u00a0olympijsk\u00fdch her v\u00a0At\u00e9n\u00e1ch.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2005<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
The biggest star of the Grand Prix is Stefano Baldini, the gold medal at the Athens Olympics.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2004<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
R\u00f3bert \u0160tefko dob\u00edh\u00e1 na t\u0159et\u00edm m\u00edst\u011b na Pra\u017esk\u00e9m maratonu v\u00a0\u010dase 2:12:33, co\u017e mu zaji\u0161\u0165uje nominaci na olympijsk\u00e9 hry v\u00a0At\u00e9n\u00e1ch.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2004<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
R\u00f3bert \u0160tefko\u2019s third place win in the Prague Marathon in 2:12:33 secures him a nomination to the Olympic games in Athens.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2003<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
Pra\u017esk\u00fd maraton startuje prezident \u010cesk\u00e9 republiky V\u00e1clav Klaus. Grand Prix je nyn\u00ed otev\u0159ena v\u0161em b\u011b\u017ec\u016fm.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2003<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
The Prague Marathon is started by V\u00e1clav Klaus, the President of the Czech Republic. The Grand Prix is now open to all runners.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2002<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
Ve\u010der p\u0159ed maratonem se kon\u00e1 prvn\u00ed z\u00e1vod na in-line brusl\u00edch, kter\u00e9ho se \u00fa\u010dastn\u00ed 530 brusla\u0159\u016f.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2002<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
The first in-line skate race takes place the evening before the marathon and is attended by 530 skaters.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2001<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
B\u011b\u017eeck\u00e1 legenda Haile Gebrselassie v\u00edt\u011bz\u00ed na Grand Prix. Nov\u00fd \u017eensk\u00fd maratonsk\u00fd rekord stanovuje Maura Viceconteov\u00e1 z\u00a0It\u00e1lie (2:26:33).<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2001<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
The running legend Haile Gebrselassie wins the Grand Prix. The new women\u2019s marathon record is set by Maura Viceconte from Italy (2:26:33)<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2000<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
Rok po p\u0159ekon\u00e1n\u00ed sv\u011btov\u00e9ho rekordu v\u00a0\u010dase 2:06:05 m\u00ed\u0159\u00ed brazilsk\u00fd elitn\u00ed maratonec Ronaldo Da Costa do Prahy, kde ho p\u0159edb\u00edh\u00e1 Ke\u0148an Simon Chemoiywo.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 2000<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
A year after breaking a world record in 2:06:05, Brazilian elite marathon runner Ronaldo Da Costa heads to Prague where he is outrun by Kenyan Simon Chemoiywo.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 1999<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
K cel\u00e9mu maratonu a\u00a0Grand Prix se p\u0159id\u00e1v\u00e1 p\u016flmaraton. Atmosf\u00e9ru z\u00e1vodn\u00edho dne dotv\u00e1\u0159\u00ed debut Maraton Music Festivalu.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 1999<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
An Half Marathon is added to the full Marathon and the Grand Prix. The debut of the Marathon Music Festival sets the atmosphere for the race day.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 1998<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
Tra\u0165 se p\u0159esouv\u00e1 ze Zbraslavi do centra m\u011bsta a\u00a0Pra\u017esk\u00fd maraton poprv\u00e9 vede p\u0159es Karl\u016fv most.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 1998<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
The course moves from Zbraslav to the city center and for the first time, the Prague Marathon crosses the Charles Bridge.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 1997<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
Poprv\u00e9 odstartovala \u0161tafeta student\u016f Juniorsk\u00e9ho maratonu za podpory Evropsk\u00e9 komise. Zlat\u00fdch 10 km je p\u0159ejmenov\u00e1no na Grand Prix. Po\u010det \u00fa\u010dastn\u00edk\u016f maratonu se zdvojn\u00e1sobuje na 1 848 b\u011b\u017ec\u016f.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 1997<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
The Junior Marathon students\u2018 relay kicks off for the first time, with the support of the European Commission. The gold 10\u2009km is renamed, The Grand Prix. The number of marathon participants doubles to 1 848 runners.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 1996<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
K maratonu p\u0159ibyl nov\u00fd z\u00e1vod – Zlat\u00fdch 10 km pro elitn\u00ed b\u011b\u017ece.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 1996<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
A new race is added to the marathon \u2013 the Gold 10\u2009km for elite runners.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 1995<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
Prvn\u00edho ro\u010dn\u00edku Pra\u017esk\u00e9ho maratonu v\u00a0roce 1995 se z\u00fa\u010dastnilo 985 b\u011b\u017ec\u016f, ale nejen to. Lid\u00e9 se mohli z\u00fa\u010dastnit je\u0161t\u011b dal\u0161\u00edch dvou z\u00e1vod\u016f – na 9,2 km a\u00a04,8 km. Kapacita t\u011bchto b\u011bh\u016f byla n\u011bkolikr\u00e1t nav\u00fd\u0161ena a\u00a0celkem se prvn\u00edho ro\u010dn\u00edku z\u00fa\u010dastnilo p\u0159es 15 000 lid\u00ed (d\u011bt\u00ed i\u00a0dosp\u011bl\u00fdch).<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 1995<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
There were 985 runners, who took part in the first edition of the Prague Marathon in 1995, but it was not only that. There were two other distances people could take part in \u2013 9.2 km and 4.8 km. The capacity for these runs was increased several times, and in total over 15 000 people (children and adults) participated in the first event.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 1994<\/time>\r\n \r\n \n
Stejn\u011b jako mnoho jin\u00fdch v\u011bc\u00ed v\u00a0\u010cesk\u00e9 republice vznikl n\u00e1pad uspo\u0159\u00e1dat v\u00a0Praze mezin\u00e1rodn\u00ed maraton u\u00a0piva. Byla kr\u00e1sn\u00e1 podzimn\u00ed sobota v\u00a0listopadu 1994 a\u00a0Carlo Capalbo sed\u011bl v\u00a0mal\u00e9m baru se sv\u00fdmi p\u0159\u00e1teli a\u00a0italsk\u00fdmi kolegy Francescem Alzatim, Mari\u00ed Vittori\u00ed Mastrostefano a\u00a0Gelindem Bordinem, v\u00edt\u011bzem maratonu na olympijsk\u00fdch hr\u00e1ch v\u00a0Soulu v\u00a0roce 1988. Rozhodli se po\u017e\u00e1dat slavn\u00e9ho Emila Z\u00e1topka, kter\u00fd z\u00edskal t\u0159i zlat\u00e9 medaile z\u00a0letn\u00edch olympijsk\u00fdch her v\u00a0Helsink\u00e1ch v\u00a0roce 1952, o\u00a0podporu a\u00a0radu.<\/p>\n <\/div>\r\n <\/article>\r\n \r\n 1994<\/time>\r\n